US President Donald Trump said on Sunday that he was now "immune" to Covid-19, the day after his doctor issued a brief letter stating that he was no longer at risk of transmitting the virus.
"It looks li0ke I'm immune, for, I don't know, maybe a long time, maybe a short time, maybe for life. Nobody really knows but I'm immune," he said. he said in a telephone interview on Fox News.
"You have a president who is immune (...). Today you have a president who does not need to hide in his basement like his opponent", he added, referring to the candidate Democrat Joe Biden.
The question of immunity to Covid-19 remains surrounded by many unknowns: we do not know with precision the degree of protection offered by antibodies, nor the duration of any immunity.
During his Fox News interview, Mr. Trump also hinted that his Democratic opponent might be ill.
“If you look at Joe, he was coughing terribly yesterday (Saturday), then he would grab his mask, then he was coughing ..” he said. “I don't know what that means but the press hasn't talked about it much,” he added.
Joe Biden's campaign team is releasing their Covid test results daily, which have been negative so far.
However, a greater opacity surrounds the President of the United States. His medical team stubbornly refuses to say when was his last negative test. This posture is fueling suspicions that the president may not have taken a test for several days before his positive test on October 1.
Donald Trump spoke on Saturday from the White House in front of supporters.
The return to the campaign stands is scheduled for the start of the week, and the pace promises to be intense: Florida Monday, Pennsylvania Tuesday, Iowa Wednesday.